Kazuichianime Rules:
1. NO spamming! And NO double posting as well! Edit your first post instead. But you could still double post it if necessary.
2. No Off-topic.
3. Use full words.
4. Members must be active.
5. Members are most welcome to come up with suggestions.
6. Seek help for anything that you don’t understand.
7. Off-topic posts can be deleted by any moderators or administrators.
8. Unanswered post will be deleted after 90 days.
9. Members are free to create any topics but please create it in the correct forum.
10. Think before you post just in case you hurts others.
11. Signature size must not be bigger than 450 pixels x 160 pixels.
12. Last but not least, NO HENTAI topic, pictures, videos and whatsoever. If any admins, super mods or mods saw any nude or porn topics, we will delete it right away without any warning and you'll be banned forever! We won't let any hentai topics or whatsoever things get in our way. Please keep this forum clean! Thanks for your co-operations.
13. Members who broke the rules will be given warnings.
- First warning: We’ll give you another chance.
- Second warning: Temporary block your account.
- Third warning: You are out of Kazuichianime forever
[Owh, I hate to do this. >.<]